Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Question from Sasha - Living descendants of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York

I know there are no decendants of Henry VIII on record. I would like to know are there any direct decendants of Henry VII & Elizabeth of York? Birth records seem to cease at a certain piont. If there are do they hold any titles?


Lara said...

Off the top of my head, I know of one for sure - Queen Elizabeth II! Here's her line of descent from them: http://tudorhistory.org/trees/er2.html So most (if not all) of the living British royals are going to have some connection to Henry VII and Elizabeth of York.

There are several other lines of descent to today, including some from Mary Tudor. One line that I can think of quickly is from the marriage of Catherine Grey (granddaughter of Mary Tudor) and Edward Seymour. Their descendants are still the Dukes of Somerset today.

Joycem said...

I worked for a Yorkshire family last name Milne-Coates also Milne-Gaskell was told they could trace liniage back to Mary Tudor sister of Henry VIII dont know if it was through Frances Brandon or her sister. I did google a webside on decendents of Mary Tudor Queen of France and it did show this family being decendents

Marilyn R said...

You get some interesting results by looking at the descendants of illegitimate children of the various monarchs, remembering that, as Lara has already pointed out, all monarchs and their children since the time of King James I to the present day are descended from Henry VII through his daughter Margaret, the grandmother of King James’s mother, Mary Queen of Scots.

James’s grandson, Charles II, had 14 children, unfortunately none of them to his wife! Diana Princess of Wales was descended from Charles II and Barbara Villiers, Duchess of Cleveland, while the Dukes of St Albans stem from Charles II and the actress and former orange seller, Eleanor(Nell) Gwyn.

Charles II was followed by his brother as James II. He was the father of the Queens Mary II and Anne, both of whom had no surviving children, but James II also had another large family with his second wife, as well as a number of children to mistresses – all these children were descended from Henry VII & Elizabeth of York. Several would survive to produce large families themselves, often having married relatives also descended from Henry VII.

Nearer our own times King William IV, one of Queen Victoria’s uncles, had 10 children with the actress Dorothea Jordan while he was still Duke of Clarence. Their daughter Elizabeth Fitzclarence is an ancestor of David Cameron the current Leader of the Conservative Party (the next Prime Minister?), whose wife Samantha Sheffield is descended from Charles II and Nell Gwyn.

These are just a few examples amongst what must be several thousand descendants of Henry VII and his wife.

Evelyn said...

Hmmm.. what about Henry's illegitamite son,someone fitzroy can't remember his name, but perhaps there could
be some living decendets from him?

Lara said...

Fitzroy isn't known to have had any kids - he died pretty young at 17.

kb said...

It is possible that Henry Fitzroy died a virgin. There is some indications that he and his wife, Mary Howard daughter of the 3rd Duke of Norfolk, were deliberately kept apart to avoid pregnancy. Any child from this union would have presented a serious challenge to the succession. Although the official reason was the couple's youth. They were both 14 when they married.

Mary Howard was a very strong and vocal member of the elite. She embraced the Reformation and argued forcefully for Henry VIII to pay her dower payments, threatening her father if he did not pursue her financial rights diligently enough.

Henry Fitzroy died 22 July 1536 at age 17 as Lara said. Mary died 9 Dec 1557 at the age of 38. She never remarried. Although there were multiple schemes for various candidates she refused them all.

SkintMum said...

Every English monarch since James I has been a direct descendant of Mary, Queen of Scots, great-grandaughter of Henry VII so yes, there are plenty of descendants of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York through that line via their daughter Margaret.

Also, their other daughter Mary Tudor had a daughter Frances Brandon, mother of Lady Jane Grey. Jane's younger sister Katherine had two sons, the elder of whom had several children. Queen Elizabeth II is also a descendant of this line of the family through her mother, the late Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother.

kristin said...

I'm a living direct descendant of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. I only hold the title of student, mom, and wife ;)

jaygos said...

Hi Sasha,
Henry VII is my 3rd Cousin 16 times removed. I am related to him via HenrY V's Mother Mary De Bohun.


John said...

Dear Sasha, there are many descendants mostly illegitimate in lineage, however one line is not illegitimate and its existence has been covered up for 300 years with lies and falsified facts. John Robert Layton of Scranton, Pa is the heir to the throne of King James II and VII. Layton is best known as Prince John of Rohan and the Titular King of England and Scotland. All claims that he is not real or legitimate pale in truth when it is not widely known that as of today he and his family are on forced exile and forbidden from traveling to England and Scotland under penalty of imprisonment. there are several bios out on the subject including "From Charlemagne to Prince John: The Greatest Royal Lineage in Human History" on Amazon and Kindle! Just 99 cents on Kindle! Over 318 pages of genealogy charts and solid proof that he is indeed the real King.

smokey said...

hi there i have quite a few royals in my my family i have tudors welsh german scottish and s saxon princess in the family i also have an archbishop of york i have family burried in westminster abby i have family from midevil to revolutionary war. civil war. world war one and two

smokey said...

hi i also have welsh royalty german royalty scottish english tudor and a saxon princess i have family burried in westminster abby and ihave a archbisop that was in british parliment one my family in wales wouldnt pay hommage to edward so he killed him and conquered wales and stoled my code of arms that they still possess to this day

Peasant said...

Henry VII's daughter Margaret married James IV of Scotland, their son James V was a prolific produce of documented illigitimate children - many of whom
were given titles - I, myself, descend from one of these bastards as do no doubt thousands of others, I've no idea how common descent from Henry VII is, but I'm from a typical working class scottish background.

Anonymous said...

I am a direct descendant of the Bruce family. If you check the Shetland Family History, you may find something interesting there.

Anonymous said...

I just found out through my families genealogy research that King Henry VII is my 16th great grandfather through his daughter, Margaret. Found some other interesting royal names in that research also.

Anonymous said...

I am a 24th grandson of them through King John. My family comes through a female offspring of his who married into the Berkley family. A latter daughter married Samuel Wynne and came to Philadelphia. From there the line comes through my maternal grandmother.

Anonymous said...

Medieval spelling, I see .

Unknown said...

I am a living decendant of Mary Boleyn - she was Henry viii's mistress for a good while, and she was my 13th Great grandmother. Rumour has it that her son Henry was actually the illegitimate son of Henry viii - and portraits of him at the time do seem to suggest a family resemblance. If this is indeed true ( as most academics agree) then that would make Henry Viii my 13th Great grandfather. So where the heck is my inheritance? I want my castles back! Thinking of doing a game of thrones and coming back from New Zealand to claim my throne. Who will support me?

Anonymous said...

I am a descendant of Katherine Grey through the Seymours and the Earls of Winchelsea. Henry VIII's will indicated that after his son Edward, his younger sister's line should inherit. Edward affirmed this before he died. When Lady Jane was executed, her sister's line became the legitimate one. Mary , Elizabeth, the Stuarts and especially that Hanoverian lot are all usurpers.

Anonymous said...

I have only just started to trace my family tree. I have only reached the late 1700s on my mother's Welsh side but have come across a Mary Tudor. I would love to know if this line actually goes back to the Tudors but I have reached a blank. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

I am a direct decedent from Henry VII through Mary Queen of France Frances Grey and Katherine Grey, on to my paternal Great Grandmother, Miss Pigott Brown. Through my other Paternal Great Grandmother, a Howard, that line goes to the Boleyns, thus making me pretty closely related to Elizabeth I, well closer than most others! More recently, my great great grandmother is rumoured to be an illegitimate daughter of Edward VII, one of the many

Anonymous said...

I am a descendant of king Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon.

Baelon said...

Hi, after my Grandmother was telling me that we were decedent of Henry VII, I too went online to search this. Apparently we are decedent to Henry through his daughter Mary. I'm not entirely sure, but I do know that the Seymours descend directly through this line, and tracing my family tree back their is evidence of this possibly through a man named Robert Seymour, my 7th Great Grandfather. But I can't find anymore info about him. I'm guessing he's the same Robert Seymour, son of Lord William Seymour. That would be pretty neat if it were so.

Hope this helps any. I'm still working this out myself, it all fascinates me greatly.

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, while doing a family tree through ancestry.com, I found that Rev. Sir Richard Edwards is my 12th great grandfather in a direct family line... which makes Henry VII my 13th great grandfather!
Sir Richard Edwards is the illegitimate son of Henry VII and his mistress Agnes Blewitt... apparently.

Diorelli said...


You mean Henry VIII's mistress Agnes Blewitt.

Henry VII had no mistresses.

Unknown said...

My family has always been interested in our heritage and we recently found out that we are descendants of Mary, Queen of Scots and King James I, through my Great-Grandmother who is a Shelton. We have always known that we had Scotch-Irish and English heritage, but didn't know through which relative. It is very interesting and special, indeed. Today as I type this, it is March 22, 2014. I know there are many descendants from this line, but it is still interesting and fun to find out this information...has made me want to look up more information on this family.

Max-e said...

My wife is descended from Henry vii and Elizabeth of York. She has a family tree that traces the lineage all the way down to her - but no titles.

I wrote a post on my own blog about her link to Catherine Grey a while back - http://themaxefiles.blogspot.com/2010/11/life-with-suzie-you-cant-stop-love.html

Jennifer said...

Henry VII and Elizabeth of York are my 17th great grandparents on my family tree. I am a direct descendant of their daughter Mary Tudor and Mary's daughter Frances Brandon. The line arrives in the MA colony and continues to reside in New England today.

Barbara Kim Thigpen said...

Yes; the king [& Elizabeth] is my 16th Great~grandfather: Tudor, King Earl Henry VII daughter Tudor, Queen Princess Margaret son Stewart, King James V Knight of the Garter son Stewart of Moray, King Regent Earl Prior James VI Good Regent of Scotland daughter Stewart of Moray, Countess Elizabeth son Stewart of Moray, Lord Earl James `the Bonny Earl` daughter Stewart, Mary son Grant, Laird Ludovic son Grant, David son Grant, Planter Sargeant William daughter Grant, Clementine `Clemy` daughter Musick, Susanna Grant daughter Bowman, Sarah Grant daughter Buxton, Marcella Bowman daughter Knox, Mary Virginia son Deason, Edward Adelbert son Deason, Sydney Doyle daughter Deason, Barbara Gail daughter Thigpen, Barbara Kim

Anonymous said...

This is all very confusing for me. My 16x's great grandfather is William Barns who married Dorothy Drury who was the Daughter of Robert Drury who was married to Ann Stapelton who was the daughter of Cathrine De pole. Well How does my line fall into a connection of the house of Winsor? Cousins? There is steps and in laws and grand parents of husbands. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

According to ancestry.com I am descended from Henry VII through an illegitimate son Sir Roland de Vielville - it's all very interesting, making Henry my 15th great grandfather.

Unknown said...

I have been on ancestry for a while, I was always told we had royalty in our family. I was floored yesterday when I found out that William the Conqueror and Maud are my 28th Generation grandparents. But I guess there are tens of thousands of living relatives who have never been invited to any royal parties.

Anonymous said...

Ima bit fed up with Ancestry.com.
It is the Wikipedia of ancestry, Brigham Young and 19 kids and counting.

Anonymous said...

Henry VII is my 15th Great Grandfather, through Mary Tudor. Lady Eleanor Brandon is my 13th Great Grandmother, and the line progresses through the Earls of Clifford.

Unknown said...

Henry VII was my 14th GG father. Margaret Tudor and James Stewart (King James IV) my 13 th GG parents. James Stewart (King James V) and mistress Elizabeth Carmichael my 12th GG parents. John Stewart, Lord Prior of Coldingham (the bastard child) and Jane Hepburn my 11th GG parents. Francis Stewart (son of John Stewart and 5th Earl of Bothwell) and Margaret Douglas my 10th GG parents. Elizabeth Stewart (daughter of Francis Stewart) and James Cranstoun my 9th GG parents. Margaret Cranstoun (daughter of James and Elizabeth) and Thomas Craig my 8th GG parents. Lewis Craig (son of Thomas and Margaret) and Margaret Dalgliesh my 7th GG parents. William Craig (son of Lewis and Margaret) and Elizabeth Lindsay my 6th GG parents. Daniel Craig (son of William and Elizabeth and who emigrated to America) and Margaret Brumfield my 5th GG parents. Rebecca Craig (daughter of Daniel and Margaret) and Hugh Stephenson ( Private in the American Revolutionary War) my 4th GG parents. Margaret Stephenson (daughter of Hugh and Rebecca) and Nicholas DeBolt my 3rd GG parents. George W. DeBolt (son of Nicholas and Margaret) and Mary Ann McCain my 2nd GG parents. Samuel DeBolt (son of George and Mary) and Carrie A. Griffin my GG parents. Ada D. DeBolt (daughter of Samuel and Carrie) and Wesley Wm. Heintz my grandparents.

Kate in NY said...

As far as I know I am related to no one famous. My dad's family is from Ireland (both North and Republic of), and there is a big chunk of English in there too. It would be fun to find out things further, but as hard as I have tried I can't get beyond great grandparents. Then there are the Hungarians (and Transylvanians) on my mom's side - perhaps Vlad the Impaler???

Unknown said...

My mother is the only female that is directly descended from King Henry VIII through Richard Edwardes who was made a Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal, and master of the singing boys. and his mother Angus Blewit. I have a cousin who could possibly be the last male to be carrying the Y-Chromosome of the Tudor Line. What do I do and how do I get in contact with the Royal Family.

Unknown said...

I am the 18th Great Grandson of King James I, 5th High Steward of Scotland .. I learned this as well on Ancestry.com . . My royal blood line started here in the United States in the mid 1600 ' s when my Grandmother Lady Margaret Gordon Married my Grandfather Colonel John Todd.. I am a direct descendant thru my Grandfathers' line. . Surname (Hollis).. Also directly descendant of King Robert De Bruc..

Unknown said...

Wow so many descendants of almost all the royal family back them from king Henry vii and Elizabeth and also 8 king Henry the viii it is almost imposible to trace back since back then they would marry into there own family members like for example queen elizabeth ii and her husband are distantly related so was queen Victoria her husband was her cousin so you see how hard it would be to even try to find out some of the Kings and queens had also mistresses so you see how hard it is so that's why there is so many family's out there

Unknown said...

Anyways I too have always been interested to find out where I am related too or where my family comes from it could be I also am related to the family as well the one thing it's very confusing since elizabeth I is related to elizabeth ii as 13 times removed very very interesting

Unknown said...

Anyways please help me find out my heritage I'm stuck on my grandparents side I also want to find out on my husband's side since he's father father was from Spain and one of my husband's grandmother's was German as well so please help me

Anonymous said...

Queen of Scots Margaret Tudor is my 14th Great Grandmother thru the lineage of King William IV Hanover on the illegitimate side from one of his illegitimate son. Which makes me related to Prime Minister Camron of England and also Queen Elizabeth is my 5th Cousin thru Queen Victoria was the niece of my 4th Great Grandfather King William IV also our family is a lineage of King David of Israel thru the tribe of Judah thru Perez which is one of . The twin sons of Judah & Tamar

Amz243 said...

I am a descendant of Mary Queen of Scots. She was my 5th Great Grandmother.

Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor somewhere that Henry the 7th forced himself on his daughter in laws Catherine of Aragon

Anonymous said...

I am related to Lady Margaret Gordan's gardener, Samuel Wardwell. He came to the states and was hanged as a witch.

jamiefolsom said...

So my two, from the english side, edward, I,II,III,VI, HenryVII, William the Conquer, on the scottish side, all the High Stewards of Scotland, Robert the Bruce, r
Robert I,II,III, James IV, and many more, lol, my tree is ridiculous. Lol

Unknown said...

We traced our family all the way back past Robert I King of Scotland.... he was my 25th? great grandfather. We as well got all the way to William the Conquer through another grandparent. James V and Marie de Guise would have been my 15th great grandparent, Margaret Tudor is my 16th great-grandmother and King Henry VII is my 17th great grandfather....etc, yet still..... no castle lol

Anonymous said...

A message for Kate NY, someone in my family traced us back to Vlad the Impaler, so maybe we are cousins!! My family are Irish and Scottish

Unknown said...

I have so many more direct ancestors as Kings and Queens and Empress and immediate family (not cousins) and I have looked to their ethnic origins. I found only usurpers so far.
Since I have only one bastard, I think I am qualified to comment why should the "english" keep "their" royalty?
It is all foreign usurpers. Is it not?

Unknown said...

The DNA findings have not been favorable for QofE, and so, DNA testing of the bones of the two boys is not being allowed.
My DNA is favorable, in all my family tree of Kings, Queens, Empress, and immediate family royals (not cousins) so I think I should be allowed to comment.

Unknown said...

I am a Tudor from the Royalty blood line amd I'm wanting to look up my family history as well..I just moved to Boston and there are so many Tudor graves here and I wondering if I am related to any of them...but have no idea how to go about it..My Dad said two different blood lines came to the states..but we aren't related to all of them

Connie Dodson said...

My family tree is at ancestry.com
I don't know if you can see it, using that link.
If you can, in the upper right hand corner Search a name of an ancestor Tudor you have - if a common ancestor, then you can see their ancestors. I have the so-called "English" Kings and Queens, except the Saxon-Coburg (German) line. I am also not related to King George, Charles, or the "House of Winsor" pretenders in spite of all efforts past and present to rewrite history, there is no justification whatsoever for the notion of "royals" if you find out the real story, they are warmongers and/or politicians all, in spite of "sainthood" of more than a few of my direct ancestors, it is only about theft and murder or subjugation. Not a proud history. Most of that "royalty" in this country knows all too well what that government is, for a fact. Most chose emancipation, here.

Unknown said...

Teon Blake- Stewart : I am a illegitimate decent of the stewarts / stuarts - I'm curious of why our not so distant cousin Tudors name died out . I hear no mention of it why ?

Stacey Knouff Smith said...

I just found out I am a descendant of them through Margaret Queen of Scotland after a million hours checking and rechecking records. This is the only relative I've found in any branch of my family that is a Queen. There are a few Earls and Barons, Lords and Ladies and such on this one branch so I thought it might lead somewhere, but shocked that it did. My father has been emailing me and begging me not to tell my mother. He's afraid she'll be more controlling and ferocious than she already is...hahaha. I'm descended from one of her daughters who married the Earl of Ruthven. He was beheaded, so I'm kinda glad I'm a poor art teacher and don't have the daily concern of being executed anytime soon.

I would imagine there are thousands and thousands of us, but it's still exciting.

S.Ellis, Ellis Consulting Group Inc. said...

Through our family's genealogy, and help from Geni - Henry is my 15th G. grandfather. Mary Tudor my 14th G. grandmother. I wonder how many of us are out there still living. This lineage is up through the Sinclair line on my Mothers side.

MMA said...

How? Queen Marry is childless?

Lara said...

The previous commenter probably meant Mary Tudor, Henry VIII's sister, who does have descendants living today.

MMA said...

Europe kings are cousins they make allies by marriage like all kings in the world

Anonymous said...

I am a descendant of King James I do not know which marriage but I am legitimate my grandma told me everything about so I believe her I am his great great great great great great granddaughter I found out on ancestry I am only 12 years old

Anonymous said...

Henry VII is my 15th great grandfather.... can I move to England? Seriously, I want out of here.... I am descended from a lot of different royal families....can someone explain to me why I am sitting here in Georgia?

Connie Dodson said...

I would sort out the royal family lines you are and are not related before running to UK, thinking you would be welcome.

I have no 'royalty in common with QofE and the list of ancestors that touch on four of my ancestors isn't convincing to me.

I am decidedly not in the family line of George III, or the Saxon-Coburn family line. I am convinced I have no family connections to the newly minted post WWII House of Windsor.

No, royalty isn't so grand.

Perhaps you would enjoy that lifestyle? Maybe the continent, then?

I had all the 'ballroom dancing and formal attire I care for, nevertheless I could do it for a special occasion.

If you would like to experience that lifestyle, I suggest a short stay at a luxury hotel or resort to get a feeling for it.

Perhaps you could jet set around to find your piece of paradise? Maybe it is Georgia, after all.

I wouldn't count on anyone sharing their wealth or appearance of wealth with you.

I like finding stories about my direct ancestors lives: the authentic history of history.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's not the wealth and ballgowns I would want - I am a bit of an introvert and I love jeans LOL. I just want to move to England, period. It is so beautiful there. I read that it is hard to move there - tough immigration rules. So far, I have found that the current Queen Elizabeth is my 27th cousin 2x removed ha! I was just wondering how the heck to get myself into England one day... and have my perfect English garden... :)

Connie Dodson said...

Hire an English gardener?

Anonymous said...

HAHA! I would love to date an English man... as long as the gardener is cute....

Anonymous said...

I was reading this book about all the Kings there have been in England if you count the kings of Wessex etc there were probably a thousand or so the book said so its possible those kings had many offspring both legitimate and otherwise so i think everyone who has english ancestors could be descended from anyone of those kings maybe we are all royal

Connie Dodson said...

What book?

Anonymous said...

Question? I am a direct descendant of the House of Gwynedd. I know that Owain' s wife and he were both of the Tudor Bloodline do you have any further info?

Anonymous said...

The Bloodline I am referring to is that of Owain Glyndwr also of Sir John Wynn and Sir Hough Gwynn of the Jamestown Colonies inn the Americas

Anonymous said...

Mary Queen of Scots had 1 son James. Who was King of Scots and also King of England.

Unknown said...

Me too!

maria dieve said...

I am a direct descent of Katherine Grey( granddaughter of mary tudor) and through my dad's side I am a descendant of mary of scots she is my 12th Great Grandmother

Unknown said...

It would help if you owned some dragons.

Unknown said...

Hey I'm Dominic Tudor, I read every part about the Tudors history and I'm still kinda lost on my why my name is Tudor, my family has always had the last name sense they live in Poland but I was born in raised in the USA like my dad and mom, does anyone lead me to something with more sources soo I can research more into it?

Unknown said...

Hey my name is Dominic Tudor, I did a lot of research where my family had gotten the last name, they have always had the last name even before moving to America from Poland and England, can anyone lead to more sources on where I can get more info. Kinda lost cause they had this last name for a vary long time but idk where I can get the full truth on

Unknown said...

I have papers showing I am.. I am just a regular American.

Unknown said...

There are many descendents of Henry VIII alive today. Elizabeth I had several illegitimate children. Whether or not they'd have a legitimate claim to the throne of England, is another story altogether.

Unknown said...

So many people have claimed to descend from Mary boleyns children... You have a long line ahead of you for that crown!!!

Anonymous said...

I actually just discovered that I am a direct descendent. I do not hold any title- I'm a normal middle-class American woman.

Jefferson Hughes II said...

I am a direct descendant of King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York through their daughter​ Queen Margaret of Scotland. King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York are my 17th great grandparents.

Morgan White said...

My 13th Great Grandfather is Henry Tudor VII and my 13th Great Grandmother is Elizabeth of York. I am just a middle-class American that does real estate photography. Funny how things work isn't it?

Unknown said...

I am great great grandson of King Henry 7th Queen Elizabeth’s Great Grandmother is my gran Frances Webb.
Prince William’s Great Grandfather is Sir John Webb my great grandfather too.

Anonymous said...

Catherine Pole is the granddaughter of one of Margaret Poles children who is the daughter of George Plantagenet who is the child of Richard Duke of York. Richard was Elizabeth, Henry VII wife’s grandmother. Therefore, you are very distant cousins of queen Elizabeth II and other royalty

Anonymous said...

I'm related to henry the 7th

Unknown said...

Im a living descendant of Catherine Hastings " pole " also Henry Pole of course Jason Pole

Its us! said...

Hello. I'm trying to trace the lineage of Elizabeth Smith buried in everals chapel in Ohio. I have discovered she was an immigrant from England in the early 1800s and maiden name was Tudor. I believe she came from Gloucestershire originally. I'd love to see how far back she may show lineage for our historical society purposes and I'm aware that were many illegitimate lineages. I'm just looking for more clues.

Richard Gould said...

I’m a descendant of Edward Tudor from Shrewsbury b 1791 a Contractor on his sons marriage certificate his father Richard Tudor from Smethcott. Is there any connection from the royal Tudors from Northern Wales ?

Anonymous said...

All of you who are taking your "descent" from kings and queens from info you found online are aware that most is nothing but people reaching to get that royal connection right? For example Henry the seventh had no mistresses and hence no illegitimate children. And ancestry.com trees can be bogus as well...in my research I found a woman who claimed descent from Henry the eighth...and it might have worked except her ancestors would have been 4 years old when she gave birth. Be very careful of what others claim

Anonymous said...

I have been working on my family tree for quite some time now. My 17th great grandmother was a documented mistress of Henry VIII. She was also the Lady In Waiting to the Queen. I also traced it back that Henry VI is my 19th great grandfather. At the same time I found out that my 20th great grandfather on the Queen side was also the King of France. I know many people have found that they have direct lineage to the Monarchs. It’s hard to find records beyond 1400. If anyone else has found these links, please email me: mnr6658@aol.com

Unknown said...

Emmm...dont know how to break the news to you...but Elizabeth I died childless, therefore the Tudors bloodline ended with her.

Anonymous said...

My 14th great grandparents were Princess Margaret Tudor and Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus (on my bio dad's side).

Unknown said...

James Braffett sez Im not sure how accurate this may be but I did a profile on 23 and me and was told my maternal DNA lineage is in line with the resent discovery of Richard the 111 thru Anne of York his sister. My mothers DNA sequence is in line with Ann of York daughter of King Edward the 111. Hoe accurate is this not sure what Im hearing

Unknown said...

Recently did a DNA profile with 23 and me, received an email telling me of updates. The update told me my mothers maternal lineage is in line with the resent DNA find of King Richard THE 111 thru his sister Ann of York. How accurate is this?not sure what to make of it?

Laura Cordingley said...

I am also a decendant of Mary Boleyn. You must be a cousin!

John said...

How can we know that your claim is true and you're not just another pretender?

Cindybel63 said...

My 13th Great Grandmother is Elizabeth of York, 13th g grandfather is King Henry vii...where is my Tiara?!!! Lol lol I'm a Princess.

Katie R said...

I’m still researching, but Henry VII is my 14th great grandfather and Princes William and Harry are my 10th cousins, but I don’t know if it means that much lol.

Anonymous said...

''''''i just discovered he's my 18th great grandfather and elizabeth of york is my 18th great grandmother

Anonymous said...

My 15th great grandparents were Princess Margaret Tudor and Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus (on my mum's father's side)

Anonymous said...

I am a illegitimate blood descendant of King Louis XIV. Do I get a title?

Anonymous said...

My husband is a direct descendant of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York through their daughter Mary and her daughter Frances. Henry VII and Elizabeth are his 14th great grandparents. My children’s 15th.

Anonymous said...

I am descended from Henry VII via his daughter Princess Mary.

Anonymous said...

Me too! My family (Wolcott ) married pitkin with direct line to Henry VII, through Mary Tudor

Anonymous said...

He is my 16th grand father as well so I’m assuming it’s common

Anonymous said...

My family is also descended from James V’s illegitimate son. James Stewart, Lord of Moray was my 13th great grandfather. He served as regent for James VI, King of Scotland (and eventually King James I of England) until his assassination. His daughter, Elizabeth Stewart, is my 12th great grandmother, and so on and so forth…

Stanley J Parsons said...

I am the 13th great-grandson of King Henery VIII. I could of waited for my DNA test.
So to be safe, I'll say I might be related to him.

Anonymous said...

Henry the 7th is my 18th great grandfather according to ancestry

Anonymous said...

What are your sources for this???? What is your evidence????

Anonymous said...

My family tree records back to King Henry VII through his daughter Mary. I think there are more living descendants than people think.

Kimmy said...

I am a descendant of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York through Margaret Tudor. James VI and Margaret are my 12th great grandparents through the legitimate line, and James VI is my 12th great grandfather through her and two other women, Margaret Drummond and Agnes Stewart through illegitimate though recognized children. James the V is also my 11th great grandfather twice through illegitimate though recognized children by Lady Margaret Erskine and Helen Elizabeth Stewart. There are millions of descendants from the Stewart/Stuart line. Both of these kings made lots of babies and then their descendants did the same.

Anonymous said...

Hey me to my 13th great Gma was Catherine Tudor. So let's arrange a get to gather family reunion and storm the Halls of the great Castle and get our throne back..... ready now heeve.... OR attack.... move..... get emm..... um..... whatever let's do this damn thing