Sunday, October 10, 2010

Question from Stephen - Tudor England autobiographies

Autobiographies - any for Tudor England?

Not contemporary puff piece biogs, but personal accounts with insight and observation, written by the person's own hand.

The best link I could find is a bit odd, with a strained academic interpretation:

My favourites are from Europe - they read like picaresque novels:

Italian artist Cellini -

Medical student Platter -

Spanish Armada disaster story by de Cuellar -


Lara said...

The first thing that came to my mind was Edward VI's journal, although it is the only thing of its kind I can think of. There are some pretty good collections of letters, but I can't recall seeing anything along the lines of a modern autobiography.

shtove said...

Thanks, Lara. No link to an online version of the journal, but I did find this:

There is a life of Peter Carew written by John Hooker, which is based on conversations with the illiterate subject. It covers what would now be called a dysfunctional childhood. Interesting read.