
Saturday, January 09, 2010

Question from Joanne - Tower and Dressed to Kill exhibition

After browsing you website, I seen the list of events about Henry VIII 500th anniversary, I was lucky enough to be able to attend the Tower of London's Dressed to kill exhibition! We were not allowed to take any photographs of his actual armour but I do have some fantastic photos (available on request!) of that day at the tower, the tower was buzzing with people, exhibitions, shows and characters, it was defiantly a day to remember. Hopefully this will be of some interest to other Tudor fans

Many thanks


  1. Hi Joanne

    I managed to get to a few Henry events but didn't make it to the Tower. Sounds as though you had a marvellous time - glad you enjoyed it so much.

  2. The exhibit was incredible. Pictures couldn't be taken but I have two books that laid out the pieces pretty nicely. One is called The Tower and it is by Kenneth Mears. It was written a little while ago, but the pictures in there were part of the exhibit. The other is Man and Monarch by David Starkey. i can't say enough good things about this book.

  3. Thanks Marilyn, it was a great day!! hoping to visit Henry's grave at Windsor on time for his birthday in June! Really looking forward to that!
    Thanks Aly, i will keep an eye out for those books!
    Great site, nice to see other Tudor fans!

  4. Thanks Marilyn, it was a great day!! hoping to visit Henry's grave at Windsor on time for his birthday in June! Really looking forward to that!
    Thanks Aly, i will keep an eye out for those books!
    Great site, nice to see other Tudor fans!


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