I have already ask for help on this web page but it was long time ago.Unfortunately I still haven´t found any material about the topic of my Bachelors theses so I would like to ask for your help again. I am supposed to write about English language in Tudor times, how it was used at schools, in the offices, church... It would be great if someone could give me a hint. Thank you so much for help.
Previous thread linked below -
If you are writing a "Bachelor's thesis", I will assume you are in the UK, since very few US schools require theses at the undergraduate level. And if you are in the UK, you have a huge advantage. The British Library in London contains a massive collection of Tudor-era printed books and manuscripts that you can access quite easily. But it will take a lot of time and work to sit down and read through a wide variety of books and manuscripts in order to get a sense of how the English language was used in that period. You are not likely to find many modern single-volume books that will supply you with an answer.
ReplyDeleteOxford and Cambridge likewise have significant collections of books from the Tudor era, but they are spread among the many college libraries and access is often restricted.
If you cannot get to London and the BL, you might check with your university library to see whether they have access to the online database "Early English Books Online," also called "EEBO." It is fully searchable, and provides scans of the actual pages of books printed during the Tudor period.
I must say, you have set yourself a truly ambitious project! I wish you lots of luck!
In the UK there are several Tudor era ie Elizabethan grammar schools that stille exist , Hawkshead grammar school in the lake district is one, maybe you can get info directly from the source . Hawkshead is very intresting and has a full history, Clitheroe grammar school in Lancashire was another (my sister attended there) also Elizabethan