
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Question from Laura - Recommended non-fiction on Elizabeth I

What biographies/non-fiction books about Elizabeth I would you guys recommend?


  1. Elizabeth by David Starkey is a great biography that analyzes her life before she gains the throne of England. Also, Elizabeth and Mary by Jane Dunn is a great comparison biography about Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots. Hope that I helped!

  2. I listened to audiobook of "Elizabeth and Mary" (I have a long commute!) and really enjoyed it, so I'll second that recommendation!

    It's been a while since I've read any other bios on Elizabeth, but I recall Anne Somerset's book being a good one.

  3. Starkey's Elizabeth, definitely. I would also recommend Paul Johnson's Elizabeth -- it's beautifully written, and has some interesting insights into some of the Queen's behavior that is typically condemned -- for example, her alleged "jealousy" of her maids of honor when they got married.

  4. I would recommend that you look at and read Elizabeth I apprentiship and also Elizabeth I Queenship by David Starkey.
    I have a few of David starkey`s books and he explains the facts in detail and you can see he has done thorough research for his books and also he mentions some new things that he has discovered in them.


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