
Thursday, April 03, 2014

Question from Lizabeth - Other ladies in "The Noble Arte of Venerie" illustration

Hi all! I was reading a book about The Tower of London and find illustration from Turberville`s book The Noble Arte of Venerie or Hunting of queen Elizabeth and courtiers. I was wondering who are the ladies behind the queen? Can anyone help?


  1. Anyone?Help,please!!!?

  2. I would think they are simply representation of various ladies of the Court and not meant to be any person in particular, but that's only a guess.

    The book itself is available to read online, and between pages 90-97 there are two pictures of Elizabeth and her attendants hunting but, as far as I can tell, nobody is named.
    Turbervile's Booke of hunting, 1576 : Turberville, George › eBook and Texts › American Libraries‎

  3. Thank you Marilyn.Someone finally helped me!

  4. I haven't responded because I can't find any information about this. this is a problem with most elite Tudor women. They may be represented in the arts but their names have been obscured.

  5. I did find a reference saying that Turberville's work was "a translation of Jacques du Fouilloux's 'La Venerie,' even the woodcuts illustrating the original work being used in the English adaptation, [emphasis mine] whether or not they suited the English mise-en-scene ..."

    I can't find the illustrations online, so I don't know if the ones you refer to have a clearly identifiable Queen Elizabeth, but possibly the ladies represented in the woodcuts may actually be from the French court. Again, they may be purely representative rather than specific individuals.

    1. Thank you all,I see that wasn't anyone specific.


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