
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Question from Joycem - Richard III burial

I am facinated by the discovery of the remains that may be Richard III in Leicester Ive always been interested in Tudor history and lived in Leicester for a while (Im in California now) so was a fequent visitor to Bradgate. Also worked around the area where the remains were found.
So will Richard be given a grand buriel? what do folks think


  1. That is the question, isn’t it?

    I can see there being quite a contest for the privilege of giving the remains a decent burial, should they prove to be Richard’s. His wife is buried in Westminster Abbey; he was very popular in the North where, unlike other monarchs, he spent a lot of time, so York Minster will be in the running; there is a tomb purporting to be that of his young son in the church of Sheriff Hutton north of York; he has lain in the Greyfriars in Leicester (possibly) for over 500 years and Leicester University carried out the excavation, so Leicester Cathedral must be high on the list and one of the city’s Members of Parliament has already set the ball rolling,

    ‘If remains unearthed in a car park are verified as those of King Richard III, they should be laid to rest at Leicester Cathedral, a Labour MP suggested on Thursday. Jon Ashworth, MP for Leicester South, told MPs during business questions in the Commons that the "potentially exciting discovery" could "hugely benefit" Leicester's tourism.’

    Then again, my own Member of the European Parliament had also dived in according to the ‘Northern Echo’ newspaper,
    ‘Godfrey Bloom, the UK Independence Party MEP for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire, wants the king to return to Yorkshire soil.
    He said: “He was the last Yorkist king, and if DNA tests confirm his identity, which I suspect they will, I think it is only right that he should be interred in York. His memory has been maligned for far too long and he should be laid to rest in peace in York.
    “I feel so strongly about this that I have written to the Dean and Chapter in York and hope very much that they will agree with this idea and help bring it to fruition.”’

    It looks as if everyone will be after a piece of Richard (no pun intended).

  2. It looks like being Leicester. See BBC News 29th October. They wont be too happy in York!

  3. Anne Neville's remains where in Westmister it is true but no-one knows where they are as only a small plaque marks a place they where near so they may not even be there. He may have been popular in the north but only 80 men from York turned up at Bosworth and they ran off when he was killed. Others may have even run off well before then. He also had links to Leicester and close connections all around the area. You would not believe the number of places he parked his backside near Bosworth, even if he did not. He has lain at Leicester for over 500 years and York Minster does not want his remains. The law is on the side of Leicester and in Leicester he should rest and will rest.


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