
Monday, March 22, 2010

Question from Elizabeth M - Questioning of Jane Seymour in Anne Boleyn investigation

During the investigation into Anne Boleyn's alleged crimes of infidelity before her trial and execution, was there any contemporary source that mentioned whether or not Jane Seymour was asked questions? She was a lady-in-waiting to Anne. I have never seen anything that says she was questioned. Was that because she was known to be King Henry's paramour and it was decided it was best to leave her alone? As a lady-in-waiting, she would have been in a position to know if Anne had had liaisons of the intimate kind. Is there any evidence she offered what she may or may have not known to anyone?

1 comment:

  1. I do not believe Jane Seymour was question, since the king had her sent away prior to Anne's trial. However, quite a few of Jane Seymour's relatives/friends serve on the jury at Anne's trial.


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