
Friday, November 06, 2009

Question from Rachel - Opinions of Jane Boleyn

I just started reading the only book I could find about Jane Boleyn. It is by Julia Fox. I have never been a fan of The Lady Rochford, yet I try to see all the members of the Tudor Court as individuals. True people who actually lived through it and how they dealt with it on that individual basis. I would like to know what others here think of Lady Jane Boleyn Rochford.

[There have been various discussions on aspects of Jane before. Just search on "Jane Boleyn", Jane Rochford" and "Jane Parker" in the archives for the previous threads. - Lara]


  1. Jane Parker is one of those figures I can't quite decide how I feel about, to tell you the truth. There is really so little information available about her, what her role in anything was. Even Fox's book doesn't really grant us any insights into her personality.

    I tend to be very suspicious of he, however. How she could have been so closely associated with Anne and George and not only escape the same fate that befell them, but also continue on in royal service as lady in waiting to Jane Seymour. Did she really provide evidence about George beyond revealing his statements about Henry's impotence? I don't think we'll ever know, but I suspect she might have. I'm not sure what else would have granted her that safety.

  2. I have read the book by Julia Fox too. Before that, I didn't like Jane Boleyn at all, but since reading that book I haven't been so sure. Fox's arguments are effective and probably quite right. But really, I don't think we can classify Jane as "Good" or "Bad". There are too many gaps in our knowledge of her to be sure. Though Fox argues that there is no evidence to support the claim that she gave the crucial evidence that destroyed both Anne and George, there is no evidence to show that she didn't testify against them. So we'll never know either way. Still, it's good to have a few mysteries or else if we knew everything there would be no need for wonderful sites like this!

  3. Laura said "How she [Jane Parker Boleyn] could have been so closely associated with Anne and George and not only escape the same fate that befell them, but also continue on in royal service as lady in waiting to Jane Seymour" in her comment to this question and I understand exactly what she means. However, it is ironic that Jane, Lady Rochford did indeed meet the same fate as Anne and George Boleyn later when Jane was found guilty of aiding and abetting Queen Catherine Howard in her sexual escapades.

    I, too, have read Julia Fox's book and it is a tantalizing read because it raises more questions than it answers. I'm not sure we will ever know much more about the elusive figure of Lady Rochford unless someone unearths new documentation (such as letters, diaries, etc.) about her.

  4. @Laura,

    Good question. How could Jane Parker be so closely associated with Anne and George, yet not suffer the same fate. Well , we could ask the same question about Thomas Boleyn (Anne &George's father), or George Wyatt. Wyatt was good friends to both George and Anne,and it has been rumor that he desire her before she married the king. Yet, he manage to escape the scaffold. Thomas Boleyn seem to have escape as well,and manage to keep his title of Ormonde,and was back at court for the christening of prince Edward. When Anne begin to fall out of favor with the king, a lot of people distance themselves from her,or did things to let people know they weren't apart of her clique. Anne's aunt, (who put pressure on princess Mary) was one of the lady who taunted Anne while she was in the tower. Anne's two cousin Marge/Mary Bryan,and Francis Bryan were both close to Anne ,yet they two did not suffer. So might not be anything more to it, than Jane (and others)just trying to save themselves. So I believe that the reason Jane testify against Anne and George is because she really had no choice in the matter. The king/Cromwell had already decided that Anne had to die,and nothing Jane could have done to stop it. I do not understand why people are so hard on Jane Parker, when just about all of Anne's ladies in waiting had given some form of testimony against her.

  5. I would perhaps think her involvement in Anne's, and her husbands death as nasty rumors. But for her involvement with Queen Cathrine Howards fall. And she stayed in the new Queens service, Jane Seymour? She was a player. And something she did or said sent her husband, and sister-in-law to their death. And kept her at Court!


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