
Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Question from Faith - Elizabeth I and Shakespeare

I am delighted to have discovered this site! I have been a devoted but amateur student of the Tudors for many years.

My question is: Is there any evidence that Elizabeth I and William Shakespeare ever met? Did Elizabeth ever voice an opinion of Shakespeare or his works?

Thanks very much.


  1. She did comment on "Richard II." When the Earl of Essex was preparing a rebellion, he organized a performance of "Richard II" -- in which the arbitrary, untrustworthy, capricious monarch is deposed, of course. Elizabeth allegedly said, "I am Richard II, know ye not that?"

    To paraphrase the famous joke about Ford's Theater: Other than that, Your Majesty, how did you like the play?

  2. Love's Labour's Lost was performed before Elizabeth and her court around Christmas 1597 by the players company Shakespeare worked with. I dont think they had an extended chat or anything, but its possible they had a brief exchange. He was a relatively unknown actor/playwright at the time.
    I dont think theres no record of her voicing any opinion either way about the play.



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