
Monday, May 26, 2008

Question from Tabitha - Book recommendations

I have been collecting books on the whole Tudor time period, I would like to find some on Henry VIII ancestors, Mary Boleyn Carey & her children and her relationship with her sister Anne. I would like to find books that are true to the events not fiction.

Can someone please recommend some that will be a great add to my collection?



  1. A wonderful free online resource for finding books and articles on Tudor history is the Bibliography of British And Irish History Online ( It is very comprehensive. If the BBIHO does not list it, it usually does not exist. You can search under a personal name, an author's name, subject categories, keywords, etc. Unfortunately, a search under "Mary Boleyn" or "Mary Carey" produces only 4 items published in the 20th century, and the only one of those that you might find useful was written by BBC scriptwriter Alison Plowden some 30 years ago.

  2. There are plenty of good books on Henry VIII's ancestors. Almost any large book store will have some in the non-fiction history section.

    Alas there is virtually no non-fiction on Mary Boleyn Carey and her children.

    If you forgive a bit of self-promotion...I am weeks away from submitting my doctoral thesis on Mary Boleyn Carey's children. Once approved, it will most likely be available digitally. When that day comes, I'll let Lara know so she can post it if she feels it is appropriate.

  3. Definitely! I'm looking forward to reading it myself. I only know the very basics of Mary and her children, I'm ashamed to say!

  4. Yes, I am also looking forward to reading your work. Good luck!

  5. There is some research about Mary Boleyn at Philippa Gregory's site. See under Latest Research.

  6. Away from Philippa Gregory and her dubious association with the truth about the Boleyns, you could have a look at Eric Ives's "The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn," which is a standard life of Anne and of course deals with her family.

  7. The research on Philippa Gregory's site is by someone who researched their own descent from Mary Boleyn.


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