
Monday, March 10, 2008

Question from Errin - Henry VIII-themed travel tours

I am planning on a trip to England in about 2 years with my family and I was wondering if there is a 'Henry VIII tour'? Where they take you to his castles and all? Just curious if they had that sort of thing. Thanks


  1. You might check out

    There might be others out there, but that one specifically submitted a link to my site. I have more travel links here:
    You might find some of them useful. I'd love to do some of the English Heritage and National Trust cottage rentals myself someday!

  2. Just so you know, 2009 is the 500th anninversary of the accession of Henry VIII, and virtually all of the larger museums and estates are planning some sort of events programme to celebrate the occasion. Many of thoe may still be left in aplce in early 2010, so you should have a huge array of sites to choose from.

  3. Don't forget to keep your eyes on the pub signs too as plenty were influenced by Henry.

    Artichoke - his favourite vegetable as it was a rumoured aphrodisiac and thought to aid the conception of boys. Greyhound - his favourite hunting dog. Kings Arms - needs no explanation. Bull & Gate - after one of his famous battles in Bolougne. Cross Keys - one of the pubs that allegedly changed its name from "St Peter" on the Dissolution of the Monasteries to rid itself of Catholic associations.

    The list goes on and reflects many aspects of the lives and times of himself and his children. They tell quite a story between them! Enjoy your trip.

    Elaine Saunders
    Author: A Book About Pub Names


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