
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Question from Sara - Catherine Carey's birthdate

I was wondering what information there is on the birthdate of Catherine Carey, Mary Boleyn's daughter. I read a lot of Alison Weir's books, and on the family tree in the back it says she was born in 1529, but when I read Philippa Gregory's book "The Other Boleyn Girl," (which I know is fiction, but it does have some fact in it) she said she was born in 1524, and I have read that in other sources, too. Does anyone know anything helpful about her, like why there are two dates and which is more likely?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Question from Paul - Wattle and daub


I'm a school teacher in the UK and we're studying the Tudors at the moment. We're going to have a go at making Tudor Houses and I wondered if anyone had any ideas as to how to go about creating the wattle and daub effect easily?

Many thanks.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Question from John - Tudor rise to power

What event brought the Tudors into power?

[since the submitter didn't include an email address, and this is basic question, I'll just go ahead and answer it in the post]

The Battle of Bosworth Field on August 22, 1485 was the actual *event* that brought Henry VII to the throne.

Off the top of my head, I would suggest Michael Bennett's "The Battle of Bosworth" and "The Making of the Tudor Dynasty" by Griffiths and Thomas if you want to learn more.

Anyone want to add other comments, please chime in!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Question from Claire - Tudor pets

I would like help for my god-daughter (she's 8 yrs old) with what pets did the tudors have, and any information to do with animals in the tudor times (but mainly pets)
Many thanks

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Question from Charlea - Tudor legacy wheel

I need to find out information on the Tudor legacy wheel can you please help me?

Friday, February 02, 2007

Question from Jake - Military ranks

What ranks of the military existed in Tudor England?
13, 7th grade