
Friday, December 15, 2006

Question from Tudorfan - Anne's "B" necklace

Does anyone know what became of Anne Boleyn's famous B pearl necklace?


  1. There is a report from the inventories of Queen Elizabeth I that she had inherited some of her mother's initialled jewellery; this definitely included a pearl brooch sporting the initials "AB" and it MAY have included Anne's famous "B" necklace.

  2. It did include this necklace. There are many reports of Elizabeth1 wearing the B necklace that was her mothers once she came to the throne.

  3. I believe that I read that it was put either into the crown jewels, or buried with Anne herself. But if this necklace was put into the crown jewels then it would not longer exist today, because Oliver Cromwell had All of the crown jewels destroyed when he came to power after Charles the First was executed. Also I don't know but Ive never read a segment about Elizabeth wearing Anne's famous "B" necklace in anything.

  4. Could it be that the pearls hanging from the famous Anne Boleyn "B" necklace are found in the Imperial Crown in the Crown Jewels collection?

  5. Yeah i had a sneaking suspicion about the Imperial Crown also, they were put in during Elizabeth's reign...

  6. The pearls are in Queen Elizabeths Crown which is only worn once a year. King Henry had all of Queen Anne's jewlery given to their daughter Queen Elizabeth I. I know more but that would give my identity away.

  7. I know the last person to leave a post was able to tell us that the perls from the necklace are in Queen Elizabeths crown and does not want to give more information away incase of revealing their identity, but if it is possible would you know where the famous "B" initial went if the perls are in the crown?

  8. Oh I would love to know too ... They ouldn't have ben able to have been buried with Anne, she was uncerimoniously shoved into an old Arrow box with her head. Nobody would have disturbed the dead, especially a 'witch'. No, I reckon it was passed to Elizabeth, she wears the 'A' in the Whitehall painitng. She is the one shunned away to the right to show her base-born identity, as well as Mary. Correct me if I am wrong please ! Briony X

  9. Also, I would like to think the Pearls were put into the Crown Jewels. It seems that Elizabeth was very sentimental about her mother, quite rightly, and wanted to be the queen Anne was never allowed to be ??? Briony.
    Just a theory by the way. Apparently she stood up aghainst Henry about her mother which lead to her 'banishment' away from court. 1543 ? I'm not sure on dates. The stubrn perosn she seemed to ahve been would be more defiant against the men what ruled her, at least tried to. I'm new to the studying of the Tudors so between two jobs and Uni I try to read what I can so most of this is probably jumble !

  10. I know this question is very old, but I was looking for answers myself. I was very intrigued that Anne Boleyn's pearls may be in the crown, but this site says otherwise:

    This states that the pearls belonged to Mary, Queen of Scots and Queen Elizabeth I bought them after her execution and passed them to James I.

  11. I know your post was in 2009 but, considering it wouldn't really matter who you are, why don't you just tell us more? I mean i am sick of not being able to find any info about this stuff even though its obviously out there! And anyway why would it matter who you are?

  12. It is more likely that her jewels, which she had been stripped of along with her titles, etc. were re-fashioned into jewelry for the new queen, Jane Seymour. Henry attempted to eradicate ALL traces of Anne and had Elizabeth declared a bastard and therefore highly unlikely to pass along any possessions. There is a painting which depicts Elizabeth wearing an AB necklace, but there is nothing to prove this wasn't simply a liberty taken by the artist. Or perhaps it is something she had commissioned to irritate her father (personally I love this angle). However the only piece of jewelry undisputedly owned by Elizabeth with any connection is the ring containing Queen Anne's portrait alongside Elizabeth's.


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