
Friday, December 17, 2021

Question from Arthur - Early Tudor laws

Hi, I was wondering if a list of early Tudor or pre- tudor laws that might still of been followed exists anywhere? I particularly want to know if Fighting or brawling in the streets of London or a Tavern would of been considered a breech of peace back then or not?

Monday, October 11, 2021

Question from Anonymous - Books Henry VIII may have read

I am looking to read the books Henry VIII is likely to have read. Is there a list anywhere or any information on which books he read? Thank you.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Question from Anonymous - Journal subscription suggestions

I finished my university studies a few years ago, but I want to get back into reading scholarly articles. Are there any particular journals or subscriptions you would recommend for someone interested in Henry VIII's time? Thank you.

Friday, October 01, 2021

Question from Nicole - Household of Charles Brandon

How big was the household of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk? Would he have had his personal chaplain?

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Question from dmj - Isabella of Castile's treatment of her daughter

Is it true that the Spanish queen mother of king Henry vlll first wife was torturous to her own daughter, Catherine sister?

Saturday, August 07, 2021

Question from Sandra - "Mother of the Maids"

I'd like information about the women who served as "Mother of the Maids (of honor)" for Henry VIII, Edward and Mary, both their names but also what their jobs were, specifically (if possible). I've seen mentioned Lady Stoner/Stonor, Margaret (or Anne) Foliot, and Elizabeth Billingham.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Question from Peter - Son of Roland de Velville

I have traced my family tree back to Roland De Velville but by a son. The online information records two daughters but no son. Is this an inaccurate record or how do I find out whether he had a son?

Saturday, June 05, 2021

Question from Stephanie - DNA links to Henry VIII

Is there a way to tell through DNA if youre related to King Henry Viii? Im a descendent of Mary Bolelyn throughly Catherine Carey and her grandson Thomas West de la warr. Thanks any information is much appreciated.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Question from Dee - Enclosures and the 1549 rebellions

Would you say enclosures were the main cause of unrest for the 1549 rebellions?

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Question from Emmy - Legal justification for Katherine Howard's execution

Why was Katherine Howard executed? Was it for adultery? Suzannah Lipscomb, in an interview about Anne Boleyn, said adultery wasnt a capital crime or punishable by death (and Anne was executed for imagining Henrys death); besides, both Katherine and Culpepper said they didnt actually sleep together. Was it for speculating about the kings death? That got Dereham, I think, but that didnt apply to her. Was it for failing to disclose her sexual history, as laid out in the Bill of Attainder of 1542? But then why was Culpepper executed? What, exactly, was the legal justification?

Monday, April 12, 2021

Question from Clemmie - Death of George, Duke of Clarence

I am curious about the execution of Edward IV's brother (George, Duke of Clarence) . Legend has it he was drowned in Malmsey wine. It seems the rumour circulated shortly after his death; Shakespeare then said the same in his play (although I am aware of how very little historical his plays can be) Since there is no proof about how George actually died, does anyone think the wine option is likely? I actually do not know what to think. It seems like an odd way to die, and a rather complicated and expensive choice to execute a convicted traitor (even though he was brother to the king). Second question, if the Malmsey is actually not how George died, how was he actually killed? We are of course only making hypothesis. I could only find he was "executed privately". What is the most likely way for it to have been carried out (for it to be quick and private)? Beheaded? Stabbed? Strangled? I would love to find out what truly happened to him.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Question from John - Looking for information on Elizabeth Fielding

Looking for a connection between Elizabeth Fielding daughter of Edward Fielding and his wife Elizabeth Maria Polteney (1646-1692) who was daughter of Maurice Wittelsbach Simmern (1620-1652) who was the son of Frederich V Vonder Pfalz of the Palatinate of the Rhine, who married Elizabeth Stuart (1595-1662) and through them to James Stuart VI of Scotland and I of England and VI of Scotland and son of Mary Queen of Scots. There seems to be some disagreement as to who the Elizabeth Fielding really was, there is some mention of her being adopted. If she is who some say she is, the line can be traced back through Mary Queen of Scots all the way to Chrodobertus (6720-673). That would make King James a great grandfather and his mother, Mary, a great grandmother. It all becomes very interesting and somewhat time consuming. If anyone has any information to share regarding Elizabeth Fielding, I would be most appreciative.

Sunday, February 07, 2021

Question from Julie - Tudor black and white houses

Why were the Tudor houses black and white? We are doing a school project and nowhere seems to tell us why they were that colour.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Question from Daniel - Tudor Hampton Court and Tower of London vs today

How much of Hampton court or the tower of London would Henry VIII recognize if he was alive today!? As London in general I think he would be sickened to be honest, I personally think these modern glass and steel dystopian buildings that overlook these beautiful historic buildings is an absolute crying shame!!

Sunday, January 03, 2021