
Thursday, December 27, 2018

Question from Kevin - Miscarriages of Elizabeth of York

Hello, I was hoping you could help me. I'm an amateur historian and read somewhere once that Elizabeth of York suffered (at least) two miscarriages, one between Arthur and Margaret and another in the 1490s. Do you or your readers perhaps know when this was? I've can't remember WHERE I saw it and it's driving me crazy. God bless

Friday, December 21, 2018

Question from Jacky - Windsor badge and motto

In the first edition of 1751 of LEncyclopdie (Volume 17, pp. 623-626), Louis de Jaucourt, at the entry "Windsor", writes: Voluptueux, fougueux, capricieux, cruel, & sur-tout opinitre dans ses desirs, il ne laisse pas que davoir sa place entre les rois clebres, & par la rvolution quil fit dans les esprits de ses peuples, & par la balance que lAngleterre apprit sous lui tenir entre les souverains. Il prit pour devise un guerrier tendant son arc, avec ces mots, qui je dfends est matre, devise que sa nation a rendu quelquefois vritable, sur-tout depuis son regne. Voluptuous, fiery, capricious, cruel, and above all obstinate in his desires, he desires his place among the celebrated kings, and by the revolution which he made in the minds of his people, and by the scale which England learned under him to hold between the sovereigns. He took for motto a warrior tending his bow, with these words : "which I defend is master," a motto which his nation has sometimes rendered true, especially since his reign. I can find no reference to this badge and this motto in the English texts that I consult. Who can help me ? Thanks in advance.