
Saturday, September 03, 2016

Question from Julia - Anne Boleyn book receommendations

I'm 22, from Brazil and I'm studying Anne Boleyn for a theatre project. At first I wanted to find a diary or something she wrote but, unfortunately, according to my little research (which is beggining now) she does not have one.

I found some letters and it is really going to help but I wanted to ask if you could recommend some books about her. I found out that there's a million books but I don't know what I should read because I don't know what's true and what's not or in which books I could trust. It is really important to have all the information right.

I tried to find it in google or ask people but no one knows what to say.

Sorry if my english is kind of a mess and thank you so much for this website!

[Book recommendation posts are frequently asked questions, but it never hurts to post some again with all the new works coming out every year! - Lara]