
Monday, April 30, 2007

Question from Mike - Henry VII's claim to the throne

I'm sure you must have answered this question a million times, but I'll ask again since I'm new to this blog which I think is wonderful.

Exactly what was Henry VII claim to the throne of England?

Friday, April 27, 2007

Question from Patricia - Letter of Elizabeth I in the Tower

I am looking for any letters that Elizabeth I wrote while she was in the Tower of London. If anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it.

Also, was Elizabeth's "Tide Letter" written while she was in Tower of London or somewhere else?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Question from Mike - Anne Boleyn's year of birth

Does anyone know the exact date/year that Anne Boylen was born? Everywhere I've read so far has given me conflicting dates.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

To pre-empt any further questions about Margaret Tudor...

As I'm sure some of you have figured out by now, the portrayal of Margaret Tudor's story in the Showtime series is NOT the same as the life of the real Margaret Tudor. In the series, the story is basically that of Mary Tudor (Henry VIII's sister), but my guess is that they decided to use Margaret's name to avoid any confusion with the other Mary Tudor (Henry VIII's daughter).

Since the series started out in 1520 when Francis I was already King of France, they couldn't fit the real marriage saga of Mary Tudor into the series timeline as it actually happened in history. In reality Mary married Louix XII of France in 1514 and he died a few months later in 1515 and was succeeded by Francis I. Since this all took place before the time that the series started (1520), they moved it to a later year and used the King of Portugal instead of the King of France. Mary (or Margaret, in the series) does later marry Charles Brandon and they are the grandparents of the ill-fated Lady Jane Grey.

The real Margaret Tudor was married to James IV of Scotland (and had two marriages after that) and was the mother of James V of Scotland, who in turn was the father of Mary Queen of Scots. Margaret's great-grandson was James VI of Scotland, who became James I of England after the death of Elizabeth I. So, as you can see, Margaret's real story is very different from that of the character with that name in the Showtime series.

Now, to complicate things even further, the character biographies on the Showtime series website give the history of the REAL characters, which will be quite confusing to anyone who reads them and is watching the series (and seeing a different story!).

Monday, April 16, 2007

Question from Kelly - Sybilla of Cleves

I am looking for any information at all about Sybilla of Cleves.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Question from Brian - Tudor family history

Hello, my name is Brian Tudor Harris Jr. My grandmother is from england. just want to know how to look up family history to see where i am related to the tudors. thanks

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Question from Susan - Other Tudor wax figures

I have been able to find online photos of wax figures of Henry VIII, his wives, and Elizabeth. I have been unsuccessful in trying to find out if there are wax figures of (Bloody) Mary Tudor and Edward Tudor. Does anyone know if there are any? I had no luck when I looked at the Madame Tussaud's site.

Question from Jill - Anne Boleyn's burial

I have multi-part question about the burial site of Anne Boleyn. Everything I have read indicates and initial internment at St. Peter ad Vincula (which is what the tour guides at the Tower of London claim is the final resting place). However, there are other versions that indicate a different final resting place. One version indicates that her "friends" removed her remains and re-buried them in a Norfolk churchyard. Another indicates that her heart was removed and buried in a Thetford churchyard. Is there any truth to these claims?

Monday, April 09, 2007

Question from Hilda - Queen Elizabeth I

I am 16 and in 10th grade. I am doing a research paper on Queen Elizabeth I for my grammar class. We are practicing our basic writing skills. I have a couple of questions.
1. What changes did Queen Elizabeth I make to the economy to make flourish?
2. Were there certain things she encouraged such as trade with other countries, trade within England, etc.?
3. What were some of the things did she do to make literature and art flourish?
If these questions can be answered, it would be really awesome!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Questions from Alice - Project on poverty

1. How did the catastrophic events of the 'Black Plague' and the 'Great Fire of London' affect those living in poverty in central London?

2. What were the significant factors in explainging the reasons/causes of poverty in early modern England 1559-67?

3. What laws and legistations were put in place by the Monarch / government in order to minimise the amount of those living poverty?

These are questions I have regarding a school project, I'm 18. Thanks alot. Alice

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Question from Dru - Background on Anne's "B" necklace

I'd love to know if anyone knows the history behind Anne's famous "B" necklace? Beyond the 'B' obviously standing for Boleyn I can't seem to find any information on it. It seems so distinctive and has become one of her trademarks but where did it come from? Might it have been a gift or a family heirloom? Were necklaces like hers already fashionable or was Anne trendsetting again?

My thanks for any answers.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Question from Anne - Mary Boleyn's children

[I think we've touched on this subject a little on the Q&A Blog, but I figured it was a question worth repeating]

Did Mary Boyeln have two children by Henry the V111? Were those children given places in court life?

I have read that Henry did recognize some of his children by the mistresses..but not all. Any information would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Anne Knauer not a student..a 55 yr. old with a strong curiosity about the Tudors.

Question from Asher - Edward VI and arsenic

Has the story about Edward VI being administered arsenic by John Dudley's phsycicians ever been confirmed? I've read it a number of times from respected historians, but in the most recent comprehensive history of the Dudley's, Derek Wilson's "The Uncrowned King's of England," no mention is made of the rumor.

Question from Sara - Thomas Seymour's last words

I was wondering if anyone knows Thomas Seymour's last words or if he made a speech at his execution before he died. Any possible answer you might have would be really helpful. Thanks.